Ubuntu for Phones

Ubuntu has an OS targeted for smart phones. After my initial excitement at the prospect of having an OS I could really nerd out on (Really hoping for a Terminal app), I realized one thing: I don't use any of Ubuntu's graphical tools.

I've used Windows, Ubuntu and Mac OS. I'm sticking with Mac for these reasons:

  1. Ease of use
  2. Unix-y (Terminal and most tools available)
  3. Productivity tools that "just work", including Office products, iChat, Flint, etc - It's a mainstream OS

Ubuntu has always been my tool of choice for servers. I use it as a virtual machine for developing, and I use it in production, cloud-based web applications. I use Ubuntu 100% in the terminal.

In genreal, I've found Ubuntu's GUI's to be nice, but they lack two important things:

  1. Polish. The OS, including design, shortcuts, app eco-system and utilities are lacking in some key areas. This may extend into the smart phone arena as well. It's a hacker's operating system, and requires some technical knowledge to modify items to where you want them to be.
  2. Application support. The *nix OS eco-system is too fragmented and its user-base too small to garner support for the large often-used applications required for general productivity. Adobe, Office, iChat, etc. Open-source versions often don't cut it.

These make me wonder how well supported a phone version of Ubuntu will be. (Also, I really don't want another browser code to)

Given the context of smart phones (usually specific and limited capacity / abilities), Ubuntu may make a fantastic OS. However, like my computer OS, I like my phone to "just work" AND I want to be able to hack at it. However, those two ideas live on opposite ends of many spectrums (Security, performance, app quality).

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Last Note:

What I'd really love is to see solved in the mobile space is the issue of infrastructure ownership. Mobile venders are obviously in collusion - All of their prices are similarly high, and there's very little differentiate between carriers. It is a true oligopoly.