Multi-Tenant Local Dev

We'll use dnsmasq and nginx on MacOS to setup a multi-tenant local dev environment. This lets us map subdomains of a .test domain to the same code base.

Nginx Unit with Laravel and PHP

I came across Nginx Unit recently. Turns out, it's really cool! We can get rid of PHP-FPM, and run our apps more efficient. Let's see how, and go over the pros and cons.

X. Load Balancing

Remember when I called a reverse proxy "basically just a load balancer"? Ours doesn't balance any load. Let's fix that!

IX. Graceful Shutdown

Our proxy isn't very graceful. If we turn it off, it cuts off all current connections. But Go handles this for us! We just need to orchestrate it. Let's see how.

VIII. Multiple Listeners

So far we've just listened on port 80 for connections. Let's allow our proxy to listen on any port, and support TLS connections.

VI. My Own Reverse Proxy

We'll start to create our own Reverse Proxy, onto which we'll eventually be adding a bunch of features.