Install Older Versions of NodeJS

Oct 03, 2013

NodeJS introduced some breaking changes in its 0.10 version. Because this breaks so many packages, I often need to install pre-0.10 versions of Node. Here's how to do that in Ubuntu 12.04 server.

I'm writing an eBook: Implementing Laravel

Aug 18, 2013

I'm writing an eBook called Implementing Laravel. It will be for bridging the gap between knowing how to use Laravel and knowing how to implement Laravel using SOLID principles in practices.

Setting up Varnish

Jul 18, 2013

Set up Varnish, and some PHP in Laravel for setting proper headers

Production-Ready Beanstalkd with Laravel 4 Queues

Jul 15, 2013

Queues are a great way to take some task out of the user-flow and put them in the background. Here's (most of) how I set up Beanstalkd to work with Laravel 4 in a production environment.

Speed up your PHP application with Zend OpCache

Jun 25, 2013

OpCache is like APC - it caches your compiled PHP so you don't need to rebuild it on every request. PHP 5.5 comes with OpCache out of the box. I happen to have PHP 5.4 and wanted it now, so I decided to install it. Here's how.

Extending the Request and Response class in Laravel 4

Jun 04, 2013

There has been some confusion about how to extend the Illuminate Request and/or the Response classes. Because of their importance in handling HTTP requests, these two classes are handled slightly differently than normal classes. I will go over how to extend them and then I will show you a method which favors composition over inheritance.