Testable and Maintainable code with Dependency Injection and Containers
Dec 31, 2012
Frameworks provide a tool for rapid application development, but often accrue technical debt as rapidly as they allow you to create functionality.
Dec 31, 2012
Frameworks provide a tool for rapid application development, but often accrue technical debt as rapidly as they allow you to create functionality.
Dec 26, 2012
Does your business scale? Does your platform scale? Do you scale? What is scale?
Dec 17, 2012
Using Tasksel and installing the lamp-server package still gives you php 5.3. Here's how to install a LAMP server with php 5.5.
Dec 02, 2012
If you need or want a great full-text search engine, and you decide on Sphinx Search, here's how to install it on Ubuntu. I'm using 12.04 LTS Ubuntu Server.
Nov 29, 2012
Nov 21, 2012
Nov 15, 2012
Very useful for removing unwanted files from your git repository. Cloning a 1.5gb repository because someone accidentally committed in a video or cache is annoying, to say the least.
Nov 10, 2012
Many frameworks we use are front-loaded. This means that we have a web-root with an index file that handles all application requests.